Rough days…

Ironically, as I found a name for this blog, I had a day that matched it to perfection.

As I went to get my 1 year old from daycare today, my ride back consisted of riding behind the state trooper that conveniently pulled in front of me. Now, I am not a speeder, so to speak, but I do like to excel a little in a safe way. So obviously, my ride home was a bit slower than normal.

After riding behind the officer until I reached my neighborhood, I will have you know that my gas light came on. With the gas light on, I know I either need to go now, or I will have to go early in the morning during traffic hours. So, being me, wanting to do things the way that “makes sense”, I go ahead and go to the gas station.
We get to the pump and I realize, I do not have my credit card. I am wondering to myself, “now just where could my credit card be? if I don’t have it, who could?”. That thought didn’t take long before I realized, my “perfect” husband has likely taken my card. I text him and ask, “babe, do you have my credit card?”. He replies back, “yes, do you need the card information?”.

I am thinking, NO, I don’t NEED the card information, I NEED THE CARD! So I have to find an alternative way to pay for gas, while I sit on empty at the gas station. I do have a debit card that has a little bit of money on it. I give it to my son and ask him to put $30 of gas in the tank.

As he exits the car, my 11 year old daughter tells me, “oh mom, my friend told me I missed softball practice”. So I registered her for softball in an attempt to get her back active. Missed practice how, I haven’t gotten any information from a coach, therefore, maybe this isn’t reliable information. Then I think and ask, wait, “how does she know you are playing softball, did you tell her”. She says that she did not tell anyone. Ok, well I am sure her ESP didn’t tell her friend she is playing softball so let me call. I call the city and they tell me that I have missed practice last night during evaluations. DARN… How do I miss the very first practice!? It would be me… always a step behind and just can’t seem to get it together.

As my son is pumping gas, he tells me the pump stopped at $15.32 so he can’t pump $30 worth of gas, which clearly means that is all I have on that card. I decide, ok fine, let’s just go, I will get more later when I get my card back that my husband stole out of my wallet. Yes, I said stole. : )

As he gets in the car, we proceed to leave, well… my car isn’t on. So I turn to crank the car, I feel a small but miniature earthquake size shake that feels like you are going over the rails of a rollercoaster. The problem is, we are not at an amusement park, we are in my vehicle! Ok, let’s try it again, I turn the key over in the ignition, another shake, shake, shake, and stop. WOW…. So no my car isn’t starting… I try it for the 3rd time and the 3rd time was NOT a charm. Am I going to be stuck at the gas station with 3 kids, while my husband is an hour away with my credit card!

So, on day one of the beginning of this page, I have already been mom of the year and not shown up for softball practice, I have nearly run out of gas, and now, I am stuck at the gas station with a vehicle that won’t start.
What an ideal beginning to dealing with the imperfections of life!

Have you ever had a day where once one thing goes wrong, everything else seems to follow?
Tell us about it! Drop a comment with yours!

© 2018 The Fallible Life ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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