Surviving the storms…

You ever feel like life is overwhelming? Do you ever want to just give up and run away? Do you ever see all of those around you living a life that makes you think, “where did I go wrong?”

I think we all have those times and those moments.  We sometimes think our purpose in life is to be “as good as everyone else”.  Sometimes we miss the fact that all of our lives are imperfect.  There is no such thing as the perfect life.

Through this journey of marriage and parenting, I’ve learned that life takes us on roller-coaster rides of emotions.  What goes up, must come down.  One moment we are up with our hands in the air and loving the excitement, then life takes us down and we are holding on in fear of the drop.

But we have to open our eyes to see that our life is not our own. We are in constant battles of good and evil.  But the bible reminds us that, for all who come to him,  all who are weary, and all who are burdened, and He will give us rest (Matthew 11:28).

This picture gave me hope today.  It reminds me that even through the emotions, pain, stress, and worries, there’s a glimmer of hope.  The hope is what I stand strong on.  My hope is in the Lord.  I know that He is our healer and comforter.  He will supply our needs.

We are all sinners and we are all on the verge of the cliff, but God.

But God, holds on to us and gives us the strength to push forward.  Even through the trenches and towers that stands in our way, God is in the mist, peering through, and he will overtake the storm.

Then there won’t be just a glimmer, the glimmer will become so strong that even the eyes can’t bear to see.

“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness” John 8:12

© 2018 The Fallible Life ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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