Understanding the Storm

As the clouds begin to roll in and the sun starts to fade,
The bright day grows dimmer and the clouds begin to grey.
As the trees bend and sway, with the blows of the wind,
You smell it in the air and you feel the gentle mist on your skin.

There are subtle rumbles that can be heard from nearby,
You see the bolts of lightning brightening the sky.
There is a storm brewing near, all the signs can be found,
Then you hear the heavy rain pounding the concrete on the ground.

You begin to wonder, will it be torrential or will there will be damage?
To be safe, you make preparations and do what you can to manage.
For many hours the rain falls and soaks soggy the grass,
But then, it suddenly stops and you realize the storm has passed.

You step out the door to see the sun beginning to appear,
The storm is over, the rain has seized and peace, again, is near.
The grass smells fresher and the trees more alive,
As the storm was needed to help them to thrive.

You may not always know the reason for storms in your life,
But the storms you go through, are not just to bring you strife.
Your grass may be dying or your harvest refuse to grow,
Perhaps they were dying of thirst, but only does God truly know.

What we do know is God’s mercy and grace is never ending.
Therefore, stand strong and let your storm be a new beginning.

© 2018 The Fallible Life ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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