Maintaining a Happy & Healthy Relationship

First, what is a relationship? We hear the word so often that we forget it has a meaning. A relationship is the means of which two or more people are connected. Therefore, the word relationship does not, alone, serve as the definition in which a loving partnership exists. A relationship is merely a term thatContinue reading “Maintaining a Happy & Healthy Relationship”

Relationship Goals? Or Sabotage?

Are your relationship goals realistic? There is a fad going on that has been out for a while now. People on social media like to label pictures of couples appearing happy as “relationship goals”.  There are pictures of men providing flowers or gifts to their partner and all seems great.  We may see a womanContinue reading “Relationship Goals? Or Sabotage?”

Men & their communication about feelings

I recently watched a television series and I was perplexed about this situation with a female who cheated on her partner. She slept with another man but then she came clean about it. Let me be clear, cheating is NOT ok. Deceiving someone who loves you is NOT ok. My thing is, when men cheat,Continue reading “Men & their communication about feelings”

Searching for love with lust…

Sometimes our images are capturing the wrong type of attention. As human beings, we all desire love in our lives. I think we misunderstand that love and relationships are not always perfect. Fairy tales sometimes do exist, but even those are fallible. But in our search for love and the right mate, we sometimes failContinue reading “Searching for love with lust…”