Overcoming the Mom Struggle! 5 Helpful Tips!

As moms, we beat ourselves up over our parenting or decisions we make and often, we beat ourselves up over mistakes our children make! Well… you are not alone… IT’S TOTALLY NORMAL!  This our maternal instinct of us wanting to be the perfect mom and raise perfect kids. You are not alone But then, realityContinue reading “Overcoming the Mom Struggle! 5 Helpful Tips!”

The “C” student…

As our children have re-entered school, the infamous progress reports and report card posts will resume. It is great to see how the children of friends and family are doing an awesome job maintaining above average grades. However, there are those who may look at these posts and think, “am I doing something wrong” orContinue reading “The “C” student…”

Being Friend’s with your Children

There are many people who believe that having a friendship with your children is not acceptable. Unfortunately, many believe that even as the child becomes an adult, that it is improper. Others believe that friendship with your children can only be established once the child reaches adulthood. However, friendships are relationships that are built overContinue reading “Being Friend’s with your Children”